Brief Description Of PISTACHIO
Wonderfully delicious pistachio nuts have been revered as symbol of wellness and robust health since ancient times. The nuts are enriched with many health-benefiting nutrients that are essential for optimum health.
Pistachio nuts are dry fruits of species of trees belonging to the anacardaceae family, of the genus: Pistacia. The plant is a medium sized broad, bushy, dioecious, deciduous tree, believed to be originating in the mountain ranges of western Asian region. Several cultivars exist but the most popular variety grown for commercial purpose is the kerman.
Pistachios grow well under hot, dry climates with cool winters. They are currently being cultivated in large scale in the orchards in the USA, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and China. After plantation, the plant takes approximately eight to ten years until it produces its first major crop. Once established, it keeps bearing fruits for centuries.
The fruit, in fact, is a drupe (a fruit with large central single seed) and the seed kernel is actually the edible portion. They are borne in heavy clusters somewhat like that of grapes bunch. Exteriorly, the mature fruit features off white colored, hard, shell with splits apart exposing yellow-light green colored oblong kernel, which measures about 1 inch in length and 1/2 inch in diameter.
The pistachio, Pistacia vera in the Anacardiaceae family, is a small tree originally from Persia (Iran) which now can also be found in regions of Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sicily, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan (especially in the provinces of Samangan and Badghis), and the United States, specifically in California. The tree produces an important culinary nut.
Pistacia vera often is confused with other species in the genus Pistacia that are also known as pistachio. These species can be distinguished from P. vera by their geographic distributions
(in the wild) and their nuts. Their nuts are much smaller, have a strong flavor
of turpentine, and have a shell that is not hard.
Pistachio is one of the oldest nuts to be used in the world. It is
native to Asia, particularly in Iran and Iraq. Archeological evidence dates the
association of pistachio and man as early as 6000 BC. It was cultivated in
Iran, Iraq, and Syria and was introduced to the Romans only in 100 AD. Today,
apart from Iran, Iraq and Syria it is being produced in many countries such as
the United States, New Mexico, Australia, Turkey and China amongst
Pistachio nuts belong to the anacardaceae family from the genus:
Pistacia. Pistachio tree takes about 10 to 12 years to produce the first crop.
Pistachio is a drupe where the fruit has a large seed in the centre. This seed
is edible. The nuts of pistachio are not seasonal and are available all year
long. They can be bought from the nearest grocery store. Pistachios are
available today in various forms such as shelled, unshelled, sweetened or
salted. The shell on the nut protects it from physical damage and infections.
On the other hand, salted and sweetened pistachios may not be a good choice
because of high sodium and sugar
content. The ideal way is to buy unshelled nuts as they are in their natural
form and least processed. Pistachios must be stored in airtight containers at,
cool and dry places so that they can enjoy long life for months together.
A. Study No.1
According to Thomas and Gebhardt (2006) pistachios
contain lower calorie content amounting to 160 per one ounce in comparison to
other nuts and dried fruits such as
cashew nuts, walnuts, almonds, pecan, hazelnut, Brazil nut, chestnuts, etc.
contain higher amount of protein in comparison with other nuts such as almonds,
cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans and walnuts. The amount of protein found
in pistachios is 6 g per 1 ounce, which is the highest in comparison to other
The fat
content in pistachios is also the lowest compared to other nuts. Statistics
collected by Thomas and Gebhardt (2006) show that the fat content in pistachios
is 13 g per 1 ounce.
Pistachios are
also very good source for mono-unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and
antioxidants. Taking pistachios on a regular basis is known to be effective in
decreasing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) bad cholesterol and helps in the
increase of high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) good cholesterol.
Trace elements
or minerals found in
pistachio include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.
Importantly, pistachios contain the highest amount of phosphorus along with
almonds and cashews. Further, pistachios also contain the highest amount of
potassium with respect to all nuts.
The amount of sodium found in
pistachios is zero apart from other nuts like hazelnuts and pecans. This is
good news for people suffering from hypertension who constantly have to check
the intake of sodium in their
The above
specs show that pistachio is not just another nut, but a very good breakfast.
In fact, it is a wholesome food in itself.
§ Pistachios
are rich source of energy; 100 g of nuts contain 557 calories. Nonetheless, the
nuts contain many health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and
vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
§ The
nuts are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and an
excellent source of antioxidants. Regular intake of pistachios in the diet help
to lower total as well as bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol
levels in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet that is
rich in dietary fiber, mono-unsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants help to
prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid
§ They
are rich source of many phyto-chemical substances that may contribute to their
overall antioxidant activity, including carotenes, vitamin E, and
polyphenolic antioxidant compounds. Research studies have been suggestive of
that these compounds help body remove toxic oxygen free radicals and thus,
protect body from diseases, cancers, as well as infections.
§ Pistachios
are an excellent source of vitamin-E, especially rich in gamma-tocopherol;contain
about 23g per100 g. vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant,
essential for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and
skin; offers protection from harmful oxygen free radicals.
§ The
nuts are packed with many important B-complex groups of vitamins such as
riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates.
§ These
nuts are storehouse of minerals like copper, manganese, potassium,
calcium,iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. 100 g nuts provide 144% of
daily-recommended levels of copper. Copper is an essential trace mineral that
is required in neuro-transmission, metabolism, as well as red blood cell (RBC)
§ Pistachio
nut oil has flavorful nutty aroma and has an excellent emollient properties. It
helps to keep skin well protected from dryness. It has also been used in
cooking, and as “carrier or base oil” in traditional medicines in massage
therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industry.
a hand full of pistachios a day provides enough recommended levels of phenolic
anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein.
B. Study No. 2
heart: One of the biggest
health benefits of pistachio is that it is a heat friendly nut. Research on pistachios suggests that regular pistachio
consumption can decrease the levels of bad LDL cholesterol in the body. The
antioxidants, phytosterols, unsaturated fatty acids (both polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated fatty acids) are great in promoting a healthy heart.
management: Pistachios are also
the first choice for people who are on diet. Evidence suggests that pistachios
with their lower calories, high protein, lower saturated fat and higher
unsaturated fats are an ideal contender as compared to other nuts and dried fruits for ideal weight
risk of age-related macular disease or (AMD): Pistachios have carotenoid antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin.
These antioxidants help in reducing the risk of contracting age-related macular
disease in the elderly, according to the research conducted by Chen CYO
and Blumberg JB from Tufts University, Boston, USA. They can be
included along with vegetables for increased
supply of lutein and zeaxanthin.
skin dryness: Pistachios also help
in eliminating dryness from skin. The saturated fat plays a major role here.
The fat also acts as a good carrier or base oil as it is used as an ingredient
in traditional therapies like aromatherapy and traditional massage therapy.
fiber: One of the other
health benefits of pistachios is that it is a good source of dietary fiber
which helps in smooth digestion of food. A serving of
about 1 ounce or 30 grams of pistachios contains about 3 grams of dietary
properties: According to research
conducted by Aldemir et al (2011),
pistachios greatly influence the vitality in men. Studies have shown that those
men who had a daily intake of about 100 grams of pistachios for three weeks
improved their erectile function by around 50 percent. This was confirmed with
ultrasound scans of blood flow in penis.
properties: Even the shells of
pistachios are found to contain a considerable amount of antioxidants. Researchers from Tarbiat Modarres
University, Tehran, Iran were able to successfully identify and extract these
antioxidants to be added to other foods.
against diabetes: One of the health
benefits of pistachio is that they function in controlling diabetes. In people suffering
with diabetes, the sugars form inappropriate bonds with proteins and make them
unusable. This process is known as glycation. The antioxidants present in
pistachios help in reducing the process of glycation and thus help in
controlling diabetes.
of iron: Pistachios have high
copper content which helps in higher absorption of iron in the body.
C. Study No. 3
Can Pistachio Nuts Lower
Pistachio Nuts Are Healthy
Nuts With Heart-Friendly Benefits
Pistachio nuts are seed fruits
of the pistachio tree (Pistacia vera) and a close relative of cashews.
This tree is native primarily to the Middle East, especially Turkey and Iran.
Although the shells typically have a light brown color, pistachio nuts may be
dyed red or green to hide damage of the outer shell inflicted during
processing. Pistachio nuts are a popular snack, and chock-full of nutrients,
such as thiamin, potassium, fiber, phytosterols, magnesium and vitamin B6.
Additionally, pistachios contain high amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to improving cholesterol levels and promoting heart health.
The Good News
Most studies examining the effects of pistachios nuts on
cholesterol involved people consuming pistachios -- about 15 to 20 percent of
their daily caloric intake. Additionally, participants with and without high
cholesterol were studied. Most studies indicate that eating three ounces of
pistachio nuts a day for one month can raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol, up to an average of 15 percent. This
roughly equals to about two handfuls of pistachio nuts a day.
low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides appeared to be slightly lowered in these studies, it was not lowered
enough to be considered significant. Although more research would be needed to
confirm this, the studies performed so fat suggest that pistachio nuts can
raise your “good” cholesterol.
High Calories
Pistachios, as well as other nuts, can contain a lot of
calories due to their high fat content. In fact, approximately three ounces of
pistachio nuts are 400 calories. Although this may seem like a high calorie
snack, these studies did not see any significant weight gain in the
participants eating pistachio nuts on a daily basis.
Bottom Line
Pistachios are a healthy
snack to add your diet. They may also help with raising your good cholesterol
levels, but further study is needed.
D. Study No. 4
Nut contains fat, but you can get many benefits from this your health
too. So if you take pistachio nut on a daily basis, there will be some pistachios
health benefits which will be truly good to support the efforts
to live a healthy life appropriately. Pistachio contains various substances
which are required by human body to keep the good function of human organs and
prevent various diseases too. Here the benefits will be explained in details. After
reading the facts below, you can conclude whether you should take it or leave
it based on your health condition.
On talking
about pistachios health benefits, we should know firstly about the substances
contained in this nut. Pistachio is a good source of energy. In every 100 g of
pistachios, there are approximately 557 calories. Surely, energy is not enough
for living a healthy life. Human body needs minerals, vitamins and
antioxidants, and fortunately pistachio contains those substances. Pistachio is
a very good source of vitamin E which offers several advantages. Basically,
vitamin E plays an important role in human body. It is useful to protect human
body from some possible problems, including free radical damage which finally
causes the more serious side effects, such as cancer.
The next pistachios
health benefits has string relation to the high content of
antioxidants. By consuming pistachio nut, your body would have got more
protection since antioxidant is the essential aspect which will strengthen the
immune system. It is also beneficial on slowing down the aging process as well.
What else? High content of Vitamin B-complex in pistachio nut becomes another
reason why you should take it on a daily basis. Vitamin B-complex is much more
important than the other vitamins, especially for energy production. Proper nervous
system functioning also requires this vitamin, especially B5, B6 and B12. When
someone does not consume enough vitamins (B-complex), there are at least three
possible side effects: stress, anxiety and even depression.
probably never realize that good digestive system is also determined by the
adequate supply of vitamins. By taking adequate amount of vitamin B-complex,
your body can produce HCl appropriately, the substance required to break down
the fats and carbohydrates. A good digestive system is particularly supported
by Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6. Absolutely, you never expect to suffer from any
troubles which are caused by improper digestive system, right? So, the plenty
pistachios health benefits are all you need to get as a part of your effort to
live a healthy life suitably.
the benefits are not always about the substances, but also the nutty aroma of
pistachio which has been used for aromatherapy and also cosmetic industry. This
good news is for you, all women who want to try something different which
offers good effects for your beauty. Nowadays, pistachio aromatherapy and
pistachio nut oil are getting more and more popular for some reasons. First is
surely about the nutty aroma and the second is about the great function to keep
the skin moist, smooth and flawless. Generally, this is only for external use.
In conclusion, there will be so many pistachios health benefits when you consider consuming this nut regularly. You will not only be
healthier, but also look fresh and more beautiful.
pistachios good for you?
If nuts
and seeds are unhealthy and detrimental for human health, you will never read
the stories about the nutritionist who recommend people to consume those foods
due to the plenty health benefits especially for everyone who is in a diet
program. Nuts contain fat, but it won’t bring serious side effects or raise
body weight dramatically when taken in moderation. Instead of bringing some
side effects, this food can be a perfect choice to lower cholesterol level and
supply adequate healthy fat on a daily basis. Are pistachios healthy? The
initial clues above are the answer.
fats, vitamin (A and E) and a large amount of antioxidants are the major
substances found in pistachio. For women, antioxidant is beneficial on
protecting cells and skin. It is also useful to protect them from aging and
various diseases. Are pistachios good for you especially to manage the level of
cholesterol in your body? Yes, absolutely. The health fats in this nut will
keep the arteries healthy. As a result, the high cholesterol levels can be
managed very well. Again, it will happen if you don’t take pistachio
How much is the ideal intake? One cup is good, and it is enough to
supply approximately 700 calories. This also contains about 50 grams of fat.
Some of you probably don’t know that pistachio has plenty dietary fiber too.
For better advantages, it is probably good to take the unsalted organic one.
Next is
about the benefits of pistachios which most people never realize before.
pistachios good for you to treat some pain?
You probably say no and assume that
nuts and pain have no correlation. In fact, both things have strong relation.
Toothache is really painful, and pistachio is the best gift from nature you can
use as a great treatment option through the consumption of pistachio powder.
However, this is not a good option for you who have pistachio allergy, so
consuming this nut will only put your health at risk. If you don’t have any
serious problem of adding it into your daily menu, you will never regret to mix
with the other ingredients while cooking in the kitchen. The delicious taste of
pistachio is irreplaceable, from cakes, ice cream and even the delicious cookies.
pistachios healthy enough if compared to the other popular nuts which are
considered as the nutritious snacks?
The good benefits of pistachio can be
fairly compared with walnut which is popular as the healthiest nut. Pistachio
and the other nuts have truly amazing benefits for human health, from promoting
weight loss, maintaining heart health, alleviating the symptoms of cancer. In
short, pistachio is an amazing source of beneficial substances which promote
many good things for someone’s overall well being.
Are pistachios good for you and worthy to be a part of your daily menu?
The answer is obvious: you
may take it and enjoy the benefits then.
Pistachios Offer
Multiple Benefits, Study Suggests
ScienceDaily (May 20, 2010) — Pistachio nuts, eaten as part of a healthy
diet, can increase the levels of antioxidants in the blood of adults with high
cholesterol, according to an international team of nutritional scientists.
The researchers note in the May 20 issue of
the Journal of Nutrition that "pistachios are high in lutein,
beta-carotene and gamma-tocopherol relative to other nuts; however, studies of
the effects of pistachios on oxidative status are lacking."
Antioxidants are of interest because oxidized
low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are implicated in inflammation and plaque
buildup inside blood vessels. Antioxidants should prevent LDLs from oxidizing,
migrating into the blood vessel walls and causing inflammation.
The participants began the study by eating a
typical American diet consisting of 35 percent total fat and 11 percent
saturated fat for two weeks. They then tested three diets for four weeks each
with about a two-week break between each diet. All three diets were variations
on the Step I Diet, a cholesterol-lowering diet in general use. The diets
included, as a control, a Step I Diet with no pistachios and about 25 percent
total fat and 8 percent saturated fat. The pistachio-enhanced diets were Step I
Diets with 10 and 20 percent of the energy supplied by pistachio nuts,
respectively. The 10 percent pistachio diet had 30 percent total fat and 8
percent saturated fat and the 20 percent pistachio diet had 34 percent total
fat and 8 percent saturated fat. The actual amounts of pistachios included in
each diet were 1.5 ounces and 3 ounces for the 10 and 20 percent diets,
"Our results suggest that a heart-healthy
diet including pistachios contributes to a decrease in serum oxidized-LDL
levels, in part through cholesterol lowering, and also due to an added benefit
of the antioxidants in the pistachios," said Kris-Etherton.
The Western Pistachio Association supported
this work. Partial support also came from the NIH- supported General Clinical
Research Center at Penn State.
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